Are you for us or for our enemies?

Photo by Snowscat on Unsplash

Photo by Snowscat on Unsplash

At the end of every podcast recording, we like to ask our guest where God has them in this season. This is what Jason Illian shared with us.

Joshua 5

13 Now when Joshua was near Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with a drawn sword in his hand. Joshua went up to him and asked, “Are you for us or for our enemies?”

14 “Neither,” he replied, “but as commander of the army of the Lord I have now come.” Then Joshua fell facedown to the ground in reverence, and asked him, “What message does my Lord[e] have for his servant?”

15 The commander of the Lord’s army replied, “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy.” And Joshua did so.

You know, I think all of us, anybody listening to the podcast and ourselves included, 12 months ago or so, we did not know we were going to be hit by something like covid, which I think changed all of our lives in various ways. On top of that, we went through one of the toughest election cycles that I can ever remember. I feel like we have a country that feels very divided. We have racial tensions. We have all sorts of challenges that as believers and as the church, we need to step up and lead through. Right.

A lot of where God has been moving on my heart are just things like Joshua five. When Joshua is sitting there in the Angel of the Lord appears to him and he says, hey, which side are you here for? Thinking like if you're with me, we're saying, if you're for our enemies, we're in trouble. And the angel replies, Neither. I'm here for the Army of the Lord, saying, I'm here on behalf of God. I'm not taking sides. I'm coming to take over. Right. I'm coming to take over. So that's when he bowed down and realizes my first thing is to worship God. Right. My first thing to be at his feet. And that's reflected again in the second chronicles where, you know, Solomon could have asked for anything and he could have asked for anything to you could ask for wisdom. He could have asked for riches. He could ask for anything. And what he really asked for is, God, give me wisdom to lead your people. How great are your people? And I need the wisdom discernment to lead them well. And because of that, everything else was a symptom of that primary ask because he desired in his heart to lead God's people well. And that's the same desire I want to have. I just want to have this desire to lead God's people well, not that I'm leaving a legacy of money or how many deals that I've done or how successful. Hopefully, those will be great symptoms because I lived my life appropriately. 

Matthew 5

Blessed are the meek,

    for they will inherit the earth.

And it comes back to just the Sermon on the Mount of where you said, you know, blessed are the meek.

I'm doing a Bible study with my kids every night. So we do a devotional every night together. And so we have to read over something again that you read over a thousand times. It makes you stop and reflect upon it. And we're so blessed are the meek for they inherit the earth. I ask my kids, what is meek mean? And then I thought to myself, I don't know if I know it. Right. And as we started talking about this and looking it up and what really it is, it’s power under control. It's power under control. Right. And what we need is we need men and women that are willing to worship and recognize God is who he is. And Joshua to ask for wisdom, to lead God's people well and then be meek. We don't need to be shouting from the rooftops. We don't need to be screaming on social media. We just need to know what we believe into Henry's point early to build relationships with those people. Right. The outcome is going to be based on how the Lord wants that. I'm not in charge of the outcome any more than I was in charge of winning every TCU football game. I had a role to play. And if I caught passes and made blocks and hopefully at the end of the game, the score was in my favor. But when it wasn't in my favor, then I got to walk away with something to learn. And in my house, my kids learned through the sports that they're in. We either win or we learn those are our options. And so every day, just meditating on those scriptures, bringing them to the office, knowing that I'm going to have a dozen amazing potential entrepreneurs and people I get to interact with, how can I help make their lives better and value them so that they will go out there and do that to others and that virtuous cycle will continue to replicate itself. And if it does, I happen to believe lives will be changed. We'll make money doing it right. New technologies will make this world a better place and overly hopefully it will bring us all together and make us realize that these differences that we're fighting about, some of them are completely perceived and the other ones aren't as wide. We think they are we just need to be able to sit at the table and have a civil discourse on most of them.