Episode 12 - What Happens When Christian Investors Speak Up with Robert Netzly of Inspire Investing


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Today we are talking to Robert Netzly, President & CEO of Inspire Investing. If you’ve been following the Faith Driven Investor website, that name should sound familiar to you as we’ve featured a lot of their content on our blog. But today, we’re talking about the man behind the company—the man who many consider an advocate for Biblically Responsible Investing in places where the conversation hasn’t even begun.

The way that Inspire has an impact as an active shareholder is encouraging and has led to some incredible stories. Well, today, we’re going to hear from that voice, and in addition to hearing his story, he’s going to share just what it looks like to invest with Biblical principles in mind.

As always, thanks for listening.

Useful Links:

Inspire Investing

The Biblically Responsible Investing Movement is Exploding

Inspire Ranked Among Top Ten Fastest Growing RIAs

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