Carmen Yuen


Partner | Vertex Ventures Management Pte Ltd


Carmen Yuen has been working with startups since 2000. In the last five years or so, she started contemplating how faith can be lived out in our work, and how everything we have belongs to God—including our business and breath. While she is professionally attached to a secular Venture Capital Fund Management company, her aim is to work with Christian entrepreneurs and equip them with disciple-making skills.

God has been gracious and allowed Carmen to witness His workings in a few companies where fund-raising and business growth are concerned. As an entrepreneur would say, "Prayer Works!" (Amen!). She looks forward to being able to share with entrepreneurs more stories on answered prayers, and to encourage more to pray over their businesses.


God has blessed Carmen with a long-suffering husband and four wonderful children. Her hope is they will bring Jesus (in speech and action) with them wherever they go, and they will be conscientious in speaking Jesus to their friends.

 Carmen serves in her church—a 200-strong family church in the Christian Education vertical. This year, their goal is to continue with Inductive Bible Study on Elijah. Two items in her midterm bucket list are picking up barista skills and acrylic painting.