Session 3: Capital=Influence


Money talks. And it wields great power and influence in the world. The question for any Faith Driven Investor is this: How will we use this power? 

As someone who has access to capital, you can end wars, fight disease, and transform culture. Or you can forfeit your power to change the world by following along and allowing others to determine the fate of humanity.


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We’re responsible for leveraging the power generated by the force of investing. But investing for the common good will only succeed if Faith Driven Investors recognize and accept the invitation to participate in the fruits as well as become an agent of change.


Work through these 3 questions:

  1. Capital equals influence. Influence for better or for worse. As an investor, how is your influence shaping culture? Is it for good or for bad?

  2. How are you pursuing the opportunity to provide capital that will leave a legacy of flourishing?

  3. What kind of legacy are the people we're investing in going to see? How will our community and the world be any different because our money is there?

3 Ideas to Explore the Mark Further

There’s no limit to the ways you can explore the Marks of a Faith Driven Investor. What we provide below are five ideas we think might lead each one of us to an even greater understanding of our identity in Christ.

  1. Consider: Money talks. And it wields great power and influence in the world. The question for any Faith Driven Investor is this: How will we use this power? Where is your capital ha

  2. Act Differently: Review your investment holdings and reflect on how the companies do or don't align with your faith. Learn more about the faith driven negative and positive-screened mutual funds and ETFs like Eventide that exist in the faith driven ecosystem.

  3. Learn From Others: Visit to learn more or join the conversation by listening to our weekly Faith Driven Investor Podcast.

Anna Kwee