Are You Prepared for Tomorrow’s World?

by David Snyder

There is a battle being fought for Tomorrow’s World. Irish Priest Dwight Longenecker said, “First we overlook evil. Then we permit evil. Then we legalize evil. Then we promote evil. Then we celebrate evil. Then we persecute those who still call it evil.”  

Faith-driven stewards, entrepreneurs, and leaders are an integral and critical part of how God will be able to work in the lives of people who live in Tomorrow’s World. I submit that we must fight this battle with leadership and intentional living.

“Leadership – Seeing the consequences of our actions further into the future than those around us.”

- Dave Snyder

“Intentional Living – Only by managing my thinking and shifting my thoughts from desire to deeds would I be able to bring about positive change. I need to go from wanting to doing.”

- John Maxwell 

~ We must Prepare for Tomorrow’s World.

~ We must Invest in Tomorrow’s World.

~ We must Help to Create Tomorrow’s World.

Prepare for Tomorrow’s World

Prepare for Tomorrow’s World, which is constantly changing, by ensuring that the Christian Stewards, the assets they manage, and the people they work with are ready for the heightened pressures, growing responsibilities, and new opportunities in the markets of tomorrow, so that Christendom consistently performs and flourishes through the cycles of the future.

To prepare for Tomorrow’s World, we need to invest thought and effort into understanding the changes that tomorrow may bring and how those changes will affect followers of Jesus, the businesses that they steward, and the churches that they attend.

The Church and its Christ followers need to understand the demographic challenges and opportunities of Tomorrow. Boomers are traveling more and require more health care; Millennials are now the largest generation and are more mobile and less committed to structure. Gen Z is very close behind and will replace the millennials in numbers and spending power in the next 10 years.

  • How does the church support and interact with more mobile generations? Church loyalty is no longer defined by one’s physical presence.

    • How do we individuals change our methods of ministry? It is not just meeting at the coffee shop anymore, but phone calls, zoom calls, Text, and Twitter, etc.

    • Can we learn to be spiritually sensitive to others without being in their presence? Can the Holy Spirit lead me to minister to others over Zoom and the occasional phone call?

    • Tomorrow’s neighbors will be starved for relationship and affection which will be an excellent opportunity for Christ followers everywhere to interact electronically and personally.

  • Demographic changes will affect us all personally, professionally, and in our ministry:

    • We have to recognize both homeowners and renters in our lives. 37% of US households are renters, and the number is growing. Their needs are often different than homeowners. Nine million new Rent Households have been created in the US over the past decade.

    • Homeownership is 63% in the US, and the demand and the pricing are escalating more than at any time in our history. Affordability and money management are a prime topic with all generations, and Christians have an amazing opportunity to mentor and educate others in biblical financial principles, often using the tools provided by Crown Financial and CEF.

    • Professionals and workers are encompassing 3–4 generational demographics. How do we influence these people as Catalytic Christians and enhance their lives? We need to be relevant to Boomers, Millennials, Gen Zs, etc., with our ministry programs and our personal communication.

Invest in Tomorrow’s World

Invest in Tomorrow’s World, which is currently at stake, with investment strategies focused on opportunities that safeguard and enhance value for Christian Stewards, whilst making a lasting and positive difference in the cities of tomorrow in our effort to carry out the will of the Lord.

  • What church programs should we be funding to help shape Tomorrow’s World?

    • On-line church and communication. Should we be embracing this post-covid phenomena? Do we need to consider personnel and pastors that are primarily dedicated to establishing and growing the on-line presence of the church?

    • Multi-family ministry programs. We have an opportunity to create programs for singles and families that live in our neighborhood multi-family communities. Mentoring programs, Mom’s Day Out programs, Service programs (auto maintenance, in-home visitation, and mentoring)

    • Neighborhood house church establishment and support

    • Social activity events on a neighborhood basis

  • How do you personally invest in Tomorrow’s World?

    • What social/spiritual programs are you willing to support with your time and money?

    • Are you willing to invest in your neighbors, socially and economically?

Help to Create Tomorrow’s World

Help to Create Tomorrow’s World that supports thriving communities, businesses, and ecosystems by creating outstanding places for people in the communities of tomorrow, where community-wide prosperity is unlocked, individual spiritual growth is encouraged, and environmental systems are restored.

We established The Community Growth Foundation to execute a multi-phase approach in Helping to Create Tomorrow’s World. This foundation is a 501 (c3) non-profit that is supported by funds donated by Continental Realty Group entities, Snyder Family Trust, and individuals that choose to donate to our belief in Catalytic Christians making a difference.

  1. Ownership and Development of housing assets where we can design and operate healthy communities socially and spiritually. A platform for our ministry.

  1. Serving Communities through strategic partnerships and specific needs-based programming.

    1. Ministry partners include: 

      1. Apartment Life: Personal social, ministry, and needs-based one-on-one effort to improve people’s lives in all demographics.

      2. Teen mentoring programs on a personal level.

      3. Mission 98: Personal ministry and needs-based one-on-one effort specifically geared toward lower income demographics.

  2. International Community Development Efforts

    1. Servants of Christ International:  

      1. Water well drilling in the Philippines 

      2. Church and school construction in various African countries

      3. Program support and tractor purchase for the Neshuro Caring Center Orphanage in Zimbabwe

      4. Church and pastoral housing construction in Puerto Rico following hurricane damage

    2. Found Rising:  

      1. Clean water initiatives (new and rehabilitated sources) in Uganda

      2. Technology Access support across 8 different nations

For more information on the ministry and community efforts of Community Growth Fund please go to

Be Ready to Be Part of Tomorrow’s World

Be Ready to Be Part of Tomorrow’s World in which you and I are active and positive corporate citizens, engaged and influential in the business of tomorrow. Realizing that people today are being affected by isolation, lack of information, and logistical shortages, consider what changes you need to make to be an effective Catalytic Christian.


  1. Expand your communications. Look at each phone call, email, and your preferred electronic communication as a method to intentionally have an effect on another person’s life.

  2. Multiply your impact by injecting the power of habit. Your impact on a person increases exponentially when a phone call becomes a weekly phone call, meeting over a cup of coffee becomes a weekly cup of coffee, an email check-in becomes a daily email check in or note of encouragement.

  3. Understand your power as a Catalytic Christian. You can make things happen in the lives of others, and you can affect change.

  4. Become more disciplined about being active and participating in activities and programs that make a positive change in the lives of others. These programs may be community oriented, church sponsored, or organized by an educational institution/seminary.

  5. If you want a vote in what Tomorrow looks like, you must exercise that vote by being a part of the lives of others.

God’s Church

  1. Embrace the newly found “Christian Cloud Community” of today’s society. Consider committing staff and dollars to fund programs to become a part of the lives of this group.

  2. Lifestyle Events. The Church has the opportunity to become the center of activity for both the in-house congregation, the Christian Cloud Community, and the unchurched. When people allow you to affect their active lifestyles, they are more willing to consider allowing Christ into their lives.

  3. Social events in neighborhood locations

    1. Hiking club

    2. Mountain biking clubs

    3. Senior activities

    4. Snowboarding clubs

  4. Social education events

    1. Parenting classes

    2. Cooking classes

    3. Economic management and education for homeowners, renters, singles, etc.

The Faith-Driven Entrepreneur and Steward

  1. Purpose-Driven Investing. That doesn’t mean giving your money away to underperforming people with a good heart. Purposefully find groups, organizations, and companies that have excellence in their financial function and resilient purpose in the changes they are committed to working toward.  Christian Economic Forum, Faith Driven Investor, and National Christian Foundation are all good resources to identify potential partners for your God-given investment capability.

  2. Purpose-Driven Giving. Be intentional in choosing what group, organization, or church you donate to.  You are God’s steward, and you can change Tomorrow by giving with the expectation of accountability and fruitfulness.

  3. Purpose-Driven Investment in Others. Be willing to mentor or create influential relationships with others that are willing to come under your influence. Be intentional about every relationship you make. Are you making them a better person or just taking up space and time? I know that is a harsh statement, but it holds a lot of truth.

  4. Purpose-Driven Spiritual Life. You won’t effect change in Tomorrow’s World unless you intentionally allow God and His Holy Spirit to change you. Practice God’s presence, and be willing to make yourself available to the whisper of the Holy Spirit.

My life is a combination of leadership and intentional living… I hope your life is as well.

To the King!
