Beyond Startup Accelerator

Photo by Croissant on Unsplash

Photo by Croissant on Unsplash

Article originally posted here by Cedarville University

by Dick Blanc

Dick Blanc ’82 is Executive Director of the newly formed Beyond Startup Accelerator, the business incubator at Cedarville University. Blanc has always liked venturing into the unknown, whether it’s sailing across the Atlantic Ocean at age 19 with a bunch of buddies or bootstrapping an entrepreneurial venture. He thrives when he’s given a clean sheet of paper and time to dream. But even a courageous captain needs dependable ways to navigate strange and exciting waters. That’s where Blanc’s yearly practice of reading through the Bible and tapping into the wisdom and counsel of a trustworthy and godly crew of friends comes in. 

Blanc is the Executive Director for the Beyond Startup Accelerator, which connects student and alumni entrepreneurs with expert counsel and potential sources of investment. 

For the last 25-30 years, Blanc has made a habit of reading the entire Bible through in a year. That habit of soaking in the Scriptures began for Blanc during his undergraduate days. Cedarville offers a four-year Bible-reading plan for students to begin their own habit of feeding themselves from God’s Word.