Why Do We Worry?

Editor’s Note: This article was originally published on the Sound Financial Strategies Group website by Chris McAlpine. To read the original article vist: https://www.soundfsg.com/resources/articles/worry/

by Chris McAlpine

Worry: wor·ry | \ ˈwər-ē , ˈwə-rē\: noun; (a): mental distress or agitation resulting from concern usually for something impending or anticipated: ANXIETY (b): an instance or occurrence of such distress or agitation.

Why do we worry? What do we worry about? Granted, the world seems in chaos, our country seems to be wrecked, and only the politicians are selling hope but we don’t trust them. Isn’t it conceivable that some of our worries are worth considering? Yet, is it even more conceivable that the vast majority of our worries are not? Adrian Rogers once said that 90% of the things that we worry about never come to pass. Of the 10% left, you may consider that half are in your control and half are not. Of the 5% that is in your control, half has happened and a half has not. Therefore, you should decide how to react to 2.5% of your worries, make plans for the other 2.5%, and stop worrying about 95%.

I realize that is easier said than done, but it is doable. Retirees worry about their money running out, the world their grandchildren are growing up in, and what this nation is becoming. All of these are extremely valid concerns, but using these for example, let’s break these down. Can you make high-quality plans and be disciplined to follow these to improve your chances for retirement success? Yes, so you should do this. Stick to your plan and move forward. Yes, life still happens, but you adjust your plans and adapt. What about the world that your grandchildren are growing up in? Certainly, this is a valid concern. My teenage daughter recently said that because of the way the world is going that Christians should grow stronger in their faith. Wow, I was proud and grateful to the Lord as a Dad. But I also see the wisdom in this. God will not lose any battles between good and evil, in fact it is not an even fight. This leads us to worry about what our nation is becoming. I have not met anyone that likes what they see on the news at night. But let’s remember that “blood sells.” Therefore, the news channels are showcasing the worst of the worst stories, because that’s what we watch. Daniel predicted over 3000 years ago that “many would go back and forth, and knowledge will increase.” (Daniel 12:4) We see this happening today; information and news being pushed out for all to see without context nor the full story.

When it comes to worrying and life’s concerns, we very often overreact, overestimate, and miscalculate. We can all be guilty of this. But God is good, all-powerful, and He loves you. Yes, in this life there will be troubles, many of those we will not understand. But God says, “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh, is anything too difficult for Me?” (Jeremiah 32:27) Therefore, our response can be “let us set aside every weight and sin which clings so closely…looking to Jesus the founder and perfecter of our faith…” (Hebrews 12:1-2)

About the author

Chris McAlpin | Managing Partner and CEO

With over a decade and a half of helping clients manage their finances and move from a life of work to retirement, Chris has helped his clients align their purpose with their profit in their financial plans. Chris has a Master of Business Administration from Mississippi College and a Bachelor of Accountancy degree from the University of Mississippi.