Session 5: Redefining Return


We can’t outgive the major social issues humanity faces in this broken and fallen world. Philanthropy alone won’t help us battle hunger, poverty, bloodshed, and disease.

Private capital provides access to a pool of funds that currently is in excess of $100 trillion dollars and growing. As we tackle the world’s greatest problems with a system that is broken, we must look at return from more than a singular bottom line.


Not yet part of a group? Join a Foundation Group to go through this series with like-minded Investors.


Learn about Spirit-led investing and how patient capital can absolutely transform the future of your city or community. We need both investable and charitable capital to begin to attack our problems. They’re better together.


Discuss these 3 questions:

  1. The world is fallen. The system is broken. What is our role as Faith Driven Investors to cure a society that is suffering?

  2. God wants us to be part of his solution, not the problem-solvers. Yet, so often as investors and entrepreneurs we’re action oriented. How do we move forward dependent on his power rather than our own? How do we continually pray before we “go off to battle”? 

  3. For so long we’ve pressured philanthropy to solve the world’s greatest problems. Is it possible to sustainably solve issues like hunger, poverty, and homelessness through the marketplace? If so, how?

3 Ideas to Explore the Mark Further

There’s no limit to the ways you can explore the Marks of a Faith Driven Investor. What we provide below are five ideas we think might lead each one of us to an even greater understanding of our identity in Christ.

  1. Consider: During today’s video session, we were introduced to Movement Schools. In what ways can you find a similar path to impacting the community where you work and live? How can you begin to change the current reality in a way that transforms lives today and for generations to come? This week, determine how private capital and philanthropy can work best together. What ways can you bring these two streams of money together to support human flourishing? We can’t outgive the major social issues humanity faces in this broken and fallen world. Philanthropy alone won’t help us battle hunger, poverty, bloodshed, and disease. How can you take a leadership role in funding ways to solve the world’s biggest problems?

  2. Act Differently: Talk with your financial advisor about available faith driven investment opportunities (hint: if they don't have much to offer, encourage them to add new options!) and how they can fit into your investment portfolio. If you are looking for a Christian financial advisor, visit Kingdom Advisors to find a Christian Certified Kingdom Advisor.

  3. Learn From Others: Visit to learn more or join the conversation by listening to our weekly  Faith Driven Investor Podcast.

Anna Kwee