Session 6: Called to Create


Benchmarking is an industry standard. But has it also become an idol? More importantly, has our incessant reliance on past results stifled the innovative Creation Mandate we’re called to pursue?

God wants to use us to bring about His kingdom on Earth as it is in heaven. That is why we are called to pursue new opportunities, to develop new deals, to establish new funds.


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God has given us what we need to partner with him in shaping the world around us. He’s given us dominion, purpose, intellect, foresight, imagination, creativity, and labor. Make the most of it.


In this video, investing veteran Cathie Wood pushes for investors to let go of past results in order to embrace future innovation. Discuss these 3 questions:

  1. In today's session, Cathie suggests that benchmarking has some very real negative consequences that mirror idolatry and stifle innovation, thereby stifling the call to create given to all of us in Genesis. Does this resonate with you? 

  2. Benchmarking is about comparison. How does this unknowingly plant seeds of greed and discontent? How does this limit us to what the world is doing vs. what God might be calling us to? 

  3. If human flourishing was the only asset class available, what would your investments look like? What innovations would you pursue?

3 Ideas to Explore the Mark Further

There’s no limit to the ways you can explore the Marks of a Faith Driven Investor. What we provide below are five ideas we think might lead each one of us to an even greater understanding of our identity in Christ.

  1. Consider: What role does patient or concessionary capital play in your pursuit of the Creation Mandate? Has benchmarking become an idol for you? Does the historical rate of return drive too many of your decisions? Dive deeper into the pursuit of human flourishing through investments. How much does fear of the unknown hold you back? In what ways can you strengthen your relationship with God that you become completely dependent on his plan rather than your own?

  2. Act Differently: Learn more about how Launch Capital and other Real Estate funds in the FDI ecosystem are uniquely structured to build both housing and God's kingdom.

  3. Learn From Others: Visit to learn more or join the conversation by listening to our weekly  Faith Driven Investor Podcast.

Anna Kwee