Chronicles, Kings and Investing

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At the end of every podcast, we like to ask our guests to share what God has been teaching them in this season of life. This week we had Steven Diedrich and Dick Blanc on the podcast, and each of them shared where God has them in His Word, both of them pointing to some similar Old Testament passages.

Steven Diedrich: So I've been reading through with my two boys first and second Samuel and we're into Kings now. And, you know, as we've been doing that kind of just Bible study with, you know, a four and a five-year-old, one of the things that I've been just really taken from and resting in is God's sovereignty. And I think even just in the face of COVID, that's something that I've been able to communicate to as the spirit's been teaching me. It's this reminder that our security is not in our health, or our security is not in our finances or in our, you know, the income we have. You know, that's not it. And so even if all that's taken away. Right, God is sovereign. And that's just an amazing thing to be able to read. Right. To talk to my little kids about. But also then to turn to our analysts and kind of point them to in this time of uncertainty. God is sovereign. 

Dick Blanc: I'm thankful for Bobby Gruenewald, who I think you guys have interviewed on this podcast before, talking about the Bible app. And my discipline is to essentially go through that every year. 

I love just how easy it is and the availability of it. And so I'm at this point in the year where I get to read about king after king in Israel in a quick summary of their life and their impact as leaders of God's people, the Israelites. The contrast is so stark when you go through and read each of those chapters. It just basically starts out. And so and so was either a good king following in the steps of David or was not. 

So where God challenges me every year in that particular area is just who will I be as a leader and who will I mentor others to be as a leader? And what, if there was a chapter in God's word that summarized the impact of my life, what would it say? Would it say I was courageous and bold enough to address the things that God dislikes in the ways he wants? Would it say that I trusted him in his sovereignty and in his wisdom versus aligning and partnering with perhaps another acquaintance or company or partner who has some strength to help me in a difficult situation? Would I look to God and say God, like David, do I go to battle or do something else? And that certainly was a test for all the kings. Could it be said that in the scope of the things that I have the opportunity to lead and steward that I left him better than when I was given the role in terms of, you know, being aligned in God's mission, in the impact that God wants to make in the marketplace. And that's what resonates with me. And reminds me every day it wakes me up every day to think how we're making an impact today.