This Season with Wade Myers

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At the end of every podcast, we like to ask our guests to share what God has been teaching them in this season of life. Wade Myers recently joined us to discuss how God is using him during COVID-19.

You know, given the whole COVID impact and the recession, there are so many entrepreneurs that are in trouble, that are anxious, that are being forced to lay off employees, being forced to shut down. And what I'm really grateful for is we have all of our analytics in our platform that we can turn on for free and just say, well, let us help. Let us just help you get through this.

And, you know, raising capital for companies that need it, saving jobs. And so one of the things I'm really grateful for right now is just being faithful and being a good steward of what, you know, is right at my disposal and just offering to be a wonderful help to those that need it and to really try to make a difference with that at the same time.

One of my five children is fairly ill right now and we're wrestling with that. And so the other thing God is telling me is to just execute well on all fronts. On the family front, you know, as well as the business front. There are all these balls that we're constantly juggling and just trying to do it all well and trying to lead faithfully through good times and bad times and through, you know, good health and bad health and just coming out the other side and knowing that it's just a growth opportunity.

And so as I meet with entrepreneurs right now, they're struggling and are worried. The nice thing is God has taken me through a lot of experiences where I've learned a lot of hard knocks and made a lot of mistakes. So there is a degree of empathy that God is able to use to help them just, you know, understand that you're not alone.

Because most entrepreneurs feel very isolated and lonely and like I'm a failure. Right. It's like, no, this is a different environment. Let's help you through it. So I'm really grateful to be in that position.

But clearly, God is saying take what you have and offer it. A lot of what you have free right now just to help businesses get through this next, you know, three months, six months, whatever it is, until people can get back on their feet.